Author: Hollisa Alewine


The recurring number in the text, whether through symbol or literal number, is 3. The tree represents the number three and resurrection as well as the third spirit of Adonai, etzah, or counsel in English. The seeds and trees bearing fruit were created on the Third Day of Creation. A tree in Hebrew is etz. It’s no coincidence that the Spirit of Counsel and trees share the same root. Both symbolize resurrection. The Spirit of Counsel is not so much about GIVING advice, but to “meekly RECEIVE the implanted Word of God.” (Ja 1:21) If never, received, then Counsel will not sprout, a real roadblock to resurrection.

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Elohim never gave up on adam, humankind. His voice is still calling to them from the Garden. In order to make the journey to the Land of Israel from the Land of Israel…in order for Israel to go to Israel, Israel must go to themselves, Israel. The appointed times of Israel’s feasts are for the people of Israel to assemble as Israel and lift their eyes to the Holy City. It is their time to be fruitful and multiply so that at the resurrection, the great prophecy of Avram’s descendants is fulfilled. Multiplied.

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In Vayeilekh, there are some key passages that hint to the mission of the black horse rider in Revelation. While Creation Gospel Workbook Two focuses on the festival season symbolized by the barley, wheat, oil, and wine, there is a clue in the prices that links the reader back to the Torah portion. Let’s look at a couple of passages in Vayeilekh and their summary points:

Adonai Himself will cross over before the Israelites.
Adonai Himself will destroy the occupiers of the Land of Israel so that the tribes may receive their portions.
Israel is to remain vigilant, expectant through the Passover night and the evening before the Day of Trumpets. Resurrection comes with the dawn. The menorah had to be so filled with oil that it would burn until dawn, yet if the fire on the altar went out, then all the oil in the world could not burn through the night as necessary. As the Feast of Trumpets approaches, it is important to do more than check the oil level in our lamps. We need to listen, measure our actions against the Word, and if necessary, repent. There’s nothing like a good repentance sacrifice to make the altar flame high, and with that fire, we can re-light our lamps to burn through the darkness of night. Evening and morning. One day.


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