Rabbi Steve Berkson

Rabbi Steve Berkson


Born and raised in New York City of the tribe of Levi, Rabbi Berkson is well grounded in Torah and brings a Hebraic understanding to his teachings. He went to Hebrew school as a child and was Bar Mitzvah at age 13.  In 1986 Rabbi Berkson came to know Messiah Yeshua through the Worldwide Church of God where he continued to study and eventually ended up in the United Church of God (a splinter from the fragmented WCG) in Tampa, Florida, where he met and married his beautiful bride Juliana in 1998.  After moving to Knoxville in 1999, Rabbi Berkson was ordained and planted his first congregation. By 2001 he was serving congregations in Knoxville, Nashville, and Chattanooga, Tennessee.

In January 2010 Rabbi Berkson planted Beth Shalom Messianic Congregation in January 2012 where he and his family serve the needs of the Messianic Torah Observant community in the greater Chattanooga area.

Now Is The Time are segments from Steve’s teaching to his congregation in Tennessee.


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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 54

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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 53

Continuing the journey in the Book of Hebrews towards the key verse, chapter 7, verse 22, where it talks about ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 52

Now we understand and should try to relate to the First-Century audience as the author of the letter makes the ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 51

This exciting episode begins the letter to the Hebrews. The goal of going through this letter is to get to ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 50

Moving forward from last week, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into Romans chapters 11 and 12, then to Ephesians chapter ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 49

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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 47

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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 46

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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 45

In the face of 2,000 years of twisted teaching, Rabbi Steve Berkson asserts that the apostle Paul was not teaching ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 44

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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 43

Continuing with Paul’s Corinthian congregation, in his second letter he reaffirms his leadership and authority under Messiah (2 Cor 3:1) ...

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 42

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