Laura Lee is a Modern Day Samaritan Woman. The Messiah has saved her for such a time as this. She has recovered from her own drug addiction and is a survivor of various forms of abuse. She has a degree in counseling and is a credentialed substance abuse counselor. Her testimony is a powerful story of His love, mercy and grace. The focus of her ministry is the restoration of His image in those He has called out of darkness. Healing for the nations…
Healing For The Nations is all about recovering the image of Messiah in the Body. It’s raw and it’s real. It deals with the root issues of addictions, trauma and various forms of abuse. On the show Lauralee offers hope and tools for healing.
Latest Podcasts in this Channel
Dena Smiley Speaks on Sex Trafficking
Hope for Sex Trafficked Women Join Laura Lee and her guest, Dena Smiley, as they discuss the topic of sex ...
Grief and Loss with John Bratton
The Grief Process Join Laura Lee and her guest John Bratton as they discuss the topic of losing someone you ...
The Plight of the Daughters
The Plight of the Daughters of Abraham Meet Stacy Carr as she and Laura Lee chat about the plight of ...
Husband and Wife Power Team!
Meet Jamie and Daniel Bertle Tselem Elohim: Connecting Singles! Join the Bertle's as they chat with Laura Lee about their ...
EFT with Dena Smiley
What is EFT? Join Laura Lee and her guest, Dena Smiley, as they explore what EFT is and how it ...
Attachment with Dr. Robin Gould
Attachment Styles with Dr. Robin Gould Join Laura Lee as she brings another Torah, pursuant therapist, to continue discussing attachment ...
Attachment and Bonding Part 2 Leanda Weimer LCSW
Part Two Leanda Weider LCSW Attachment Specialist Join Laura Lee and her guest, Leanda Weider, as they continue exploring the ...
Attachment and Bonding with Leanda Weider LCSW
Join Laura Lee and her guest, Leanda Weider, as they explore various attachment disorders and how they play out in ...
Simonette Cherepanov, Seven Lamp Wellness
Let's Talk Trauma! Join Laura Lee and Simonette as they chat about trauma's impact on the brain and how to ...
Kisha Gallagher Grace in Torah
The Good Samaritan Join Laura Lee and Kisha Gallagher as they discuss the upcoming women's retreat held in Gulf Breeze, ...
Chloe Asks Questions with Juliet Van Heerden
Juliet is back! Join Laura Lee as she chats with Juliet Van Heerden about her amazing stories of redemption and ...
New Step Series! Step Two Part One
Steps of Recovery Continues Join Laura Lee as she takes us on a journey of healing and restoration! This week ...