At Hebrew Nation you will be blessed with songs and education that will bless you and minister to your spirit.
Latest Podcasts in Music
Calming Harp Episode #184
In Florida this week, we have been experiencing a lot of thunder. This brought my attention to Psalm 29 where David assures us that the thundering we hear is the voice of our Heavenly Father. At the end of Psalm 29, David tells us that we can have Shalom in the midst...
Calming Harp Episode #181
Not all Psalms are in the book of Psalms. One of the most famous Psalms was written by Moses in Exodus 15, called The Song of Moses. Israel had just been led through the Red Sea with Pharoh's army behind them destroyed, and Moses sang this Psalm. "The Horse and its...
Calming Harp Episode #178
Light is powerful to dispel darkness. In Psalms 4 and 36 as well as others, David reminds us that even though it may look dark at times, the light of our Heavenly Father's presence is sufficient to overcome the darkness. We too, are called to shine that light into the...
Calming Harp Episode #171
David speaks often in his Psalms about being in the Temple or the House of the Lord. What structure is he talking about? The Temple of Solomon had yet to be built years later. What is David talking about? First of all, David was a worshiper of the highest order. The...
Calming Harp Episode #183
Have you ever wondered what was going through Yashua's/Jesus's mind while he was on the cross? One of the clues is His statement, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" We find those same words in the first verse of Psalm 22, and it causes me to wonder and speculate that...
Calming Harp Episode #180
Psalm 7 tells us that those with evil intentions dig pits to trap the unsuspecting, but in the end, they fall into those pits themselves. This is one of the deprecatory Psalms that issues warnings to those who choose not to follow our Heavenly Father's instructions...
Calming Harp Episode #177
This weekend is the celebration of the feast of Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. We will be reading from Psalm 68 and playing the music of the Table of Showbread in the 639 Hz frequency from the Frequency of Fellowship album. This feast of Shavuot...
Calming Harp Episode #170
This week's theme is "Coming Home" - which applies to both Shirley and I coming back to Mississippi as well as our coming home to the presence of our Heavenly Father. This week is a High Sabbath in the Feast of the Lord calendar and we begin to count the Omer of...
Calming Harp Episode #182
A friend of mine had a dream recently that showed a huge black wave coming in while swimming at the beach. The word that was spoken to her was, "Come up to higher ground." She then received the words of Psalm 24 that asks, "Who will ascend to the hill of the Lord?" I...
Calming Harp Episode #179
What is Truth? The better question is, "Who is Truth?" In Psalms 5 and 86, as well as others, David reminds us of the only source of truth. Yashua/Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." In this chaotic world that swirls around us and tries to gaslight us...
Calming Harp Episode #176
Psalm 107 is full of wisdom about how we are to relate to our Heavenly Father. First of all, it starts with, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His steadfast love endures forever." I am including 2 tracks from my album, "Illuminations" as Shirley reads the...
Calming Harp Episode #169
As Passover comes to us this week, I wanted to share the Psalms of 113 and 114 along with the music of the Frequency of Fire which represents the Altar of Sacrifice or Brazen Altar. Yashua was the Passover Lamb - His Blood is what the sacrificial blood represented...