A friend of mine had a dream recently that showed a huge black wave coming in while swimming at the beach. The word that was spoken to her was, “Come up to higher ground.” She then received the words of Psalm 24 that asks, “Who will ascend to the hill of the Lord?” I encourage each one of us to take that Psalm 24 and meditate on those words every morning for a while and place ourselves onto the higher ground. The events of this past week in the USA remind us that if it were not for the intervention of our Heavenly Father, we would be in major trouble right now. It’s time to get on His page and let the things of this world grow strangely dim. Man will not fix the mess we are in. This is a spiritual battle. Blessings

Produced by Steve Rees – Calming Harp

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Mail checks or Money Orders to: Steve Rees – 160-A Inland Beach Rd. – Lucedale, MS 39452

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Calming Harp Page: https://www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp…

If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: steve@calmingharp.com

To purchase CDs and MP3s go to our website: https://calmingharp.com/

To donate to the ministry of the Calming Harp: https://calmingharp.com/marketplace

Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music.