Renee Ellison has more than 30 years of experience in the field of education—in Christian, private, secular, and home school settings. She home educated for nearly 20 years. Renee has taught nearly all grade levels, and was an elementary principal, head of a high school English department, Teacher of the Year, developed and ran gifted and talented programs, and has conducted numerous teacher training workshops around the country.

Renee invented Zoom-Type (how to touch-type) that has been sold worldwide, as has Quick Piano (how to play the piano), and Fast Phonics (giving young children a jump-start in reading).

Homeschool How-To’s offers over 100 homeschooling topics of quick and easy tips thought through to save you time, energy and stress. These unique products provide insights, strategies, teaching shortcuts and enticing hands-on materials that cannot be found in any other place. Browse and you’re bound to find valuable helps on topics of “right now” primary interest to you—and also topics that were the source of some low grade anxiety and/or perplexity, of which you hadn’t been consciously aware…not yet. Jump-start your teaching and parenting prowess by obtaining the best of the best rapid and effective methodologies and tricks that would take you years to figure out yourself.

For your children…they’ll whiz ahead of the neighbors with…
Fast Phonics
Quick Piano
Character Traits ditties/song coloring books
and more…

Tutor with efficiency…
Razor Sharp Teaching Strategies
Teachers’ Secrets and Motherhood Savvy
and more…

Parent with loving power…
Beyond Discipline
Training Terrific Tots
and more…

And you, mom, can become a myth in your own time through superior domestic homemaking skill with…
Turn-Your Head Home Management Strategies
Decorating Tips with Rooms with a Message
What, I Have to Fix Dinner Again?
and more…
It’s all at