The SuperNatural Worldview By Cris Putnam


MANY CHRISTIANS profess a belief in an invisible, all-powerful God on Sunday, but live like naturalists the rest…

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MANY CHRISTIANS profess a belief in an invisible, all-powerful God on Sunday, but live like naturalists the rest of the week. Ironically, the rest of the world appears to be moving toward embracing a worldview that accepts the existence of the supernatural.

Cris Putnam, co-author of the best-selling books Petrus Romanus and Exo Vaticana, discusses his new book The Supernatural Worldview: Examining Paranormal, PSI, and the Apocalyptic. Cris explains why the recent popularity of men like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris is really the death-rattle of the New Atheists, and also why some Christians, confronted by evidence of the supernatural, appear to throw out the proverbial baby with the bath water.