The Last Exodus


by Dell F. Sanchez Ph.D. This is Dr. Sanchez’s best seller. It traces the history of Sephardic Anusim…

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by Dell F. Sanchez Ph.D.

This is Dr. Sanchez’s best seller. It traces the history of Sephardic Anusim since the days of Kings David and Solomon across the Mediterranean to Tarshish which is ancient Sepharad which is modern day Spain. Dr. Sanchez shows the different migratory waves of Jews to Spain and how the Spanish Inquisition run by the Holy Office of the Roman Catholic Church used torture, massacres, riots, economic manipulation and burnings at the stake to get the Jews out of power.Eventually, in 1492, conditions were ripe and the Jews were expelled out of Spain and later from Portugal.

Many of them fled across the Atlantic into Mexico and other parts of Latin America only to discover that the Inquisition was transplanted in Mexico City and elsewhere. Many of these Sephardic Anusim Hispanics fled across the U.S.-Mexican border into Texas and New Mexico; they expanded and multiplied and became expert secret keepers known as Crypto-Jews. After half a millennium of hiding, they’re emerging, asking serious questions and reconnecting with their Jewish family, with Israel and their prophesied land of inheritance, the Negev. A must-read book. This book is also in German and in Spanish. Prices are the same in either language.