Dr. Diana Dye - Imagery of the Fig Tree


Watch Sample Video  Here This is the complete set in a 4-part series that comes with a Study…

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This is the complete set in a 4-part series that comes with a Study Guide. Starting with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which the sages concluded was a fig tree, Dr. Dye leads us to the depth of this imagery by first activating our curiosity. Rashi, she explains, made an interesting observation about the fall of Adam and Eve: By the very thing by which they were disgraced [hiding their shame with fig leaves] were they restored. We are then drawn to the symbolism and imagery of the fig tree that unfolds in Scripture, and we are excited and encouraged by the veiled meaning that we uncover.

Session One: Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Session Two: Uncircumcised Fruit
Session Three: The King and the Kingdom
Session Four: Hidden in the Fig Tree

Dr. Diana Dye
Hebraic Studies
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