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From the book Israel’s Feasts and their Fullness by Batya Wooten, ISBN 1-886987-29-7 According to Scripture, the God…

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From the book Israel’s Feasts and their Fullness
by Batya Wooten, ISBN 1-886987-29-7

According to Scripture, the God of Israel, both Jews and Christians is the same “yesterday, today and forever”. He set up His everlasting calendar of events according to the heavenly bodies so that His children would not have to wonder about what He is doing in their world. The “Moedim” or “set apart days” that He commanded HIS people to keep forever are described in Leviticus 23 (Vayikra) and many other places in Scripture.

Do you consider yourself part of the redeemed family of Yahweh, the Name of the God of Israel? We have learned that all of these Sabbath days and Feasts have prophetic significance in order to recognize the times and the seasons of the appearance of our promised King.

Please enjoy this simple commanded blessing as a whole new world of Scriptural truth about our Messiah reveals itself to you and your family.

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Be blessed and Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday) from all of us at Hebrew Nation Radio!